2008 Subaru Impreza WRX

MotorTrend has revealed new images of the 2008 Subaru Impreza WRX and shocked the world. In merely one week, there has been 267,853 posts since the initial post date of 3/26 on the thread on nasioc.com, one of the biggest Subaru sites of North America. The news is so shocking mainly because of the tremendous disappointment in the design. Not only is it not ground breaking, it looks remarkably like the Mazda-3 in various angles and it’s probably the least aggressive Impreza WRX to date. Comparing to the Mitsubishi Concept X design that seemingly is going to translate pretty well into production, this design is simply unforgivably horrible.

The one thing that absolutely needs to go is the grill design. Remember when the current Impreza design was released, it took the public quite a while to get used to the new nose design that was supposed to become a new corporate face of Subaru, somehow they seem to be changing their minds again. The hatch/wagon design in the MotorTrend illustration shown above, is showing that the fender lines that the wagon owners have been dying for all these years, is again missing. The entire car has boring lines, and the overall shape looks nothing more than a simple revamp of the current design with some DNA of the Mazda-3 in the mix.

At this point, all we can hope for is that these images are again another Internet hoax or it’s an April fool joke.

Disclaimer: Image shown above is a repost of a scan of MotorTrend.
Note: You can track the results of a poll on nasioc.com about how badly received the design has been here. As of right now over 72% people are saying Nay to it.



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